Grant Review Matrix

The Robertson County Economic Development Board’s Experience Robertson County Tourism Grants are awarded based on funds available, quantity of requests received and grant matrix scoring. Total grant requests may exceed allocated funding budget, and proposed projects may not be funded and/or not fully funded. The Robertson County Economic Development Board reviews and scores grant applications based on the priority criteria listed below.

If you have any questions related to the review and scoring process, contact 


Scale of 0 to 5, with 0 being unacceptable and 5 being most acceptable


Missing 0 Points Fair 1-2 Points Good 3-4 Points Excellent 5 Points
Alignment with RCEDB grant program goals (developing Tourism as an economic driver; increasing tourism-related economic impact; promoting the county’s Tourism brand “Experience Robertson County”) Unclear and/or does not align  Vague and/or offers limited alignment Clearly defined and offers satisfactory alignment  Clearly defined and highly aligns 
Tourism impact (economic impact of drawing non-residents to spend taxable dollars in our county on lodging, dining, shopping, etc.) Unclear or no impact to tourism development or tourism-related revenue Limited impact to tourism development or tourism-related revenue Satisfactory impact to tourism development or tourism-related revenue High impact to tourism development or tourism-related revenue
Clear plan for assessment and resources available for final report Unclear or no plan and/or resources for tracking and reporting data Limited plan with at least one method and/or resource for tracking and reporting data; requires support Satisfactory plan with multiple methods and/or resources for tracking and reporting data; requires limited support Excellent plan with multiple methods and/or resources for tracking and reporting data; requires no support
Budget/P&L is reasonable and detailed Unclear or not submitted Vague and/or yields concerns related to sustainability Clear and reflects satisfactory sustainability Clear and reflects sustainable growth
Collaboration (involving other city, county or regional partners) Offers no collaboration within community, county or beyond Vague and/or limited collaboration  Clear collaboration Clear collaboration at community and county/regional level
If prior grant recipient, the quality of their application submission, reimbursement request and final reporting Late or incomplete items Completed submission, but required support Completed timely and thorough submissions; required limited support Completed timely and thorough submissions; required no support
Total Score