
Bell Witch Cave
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Explore the legend of America's most famous spirit, the Bell Witch. This family owned and operated attraction is open May through October. Follow them on Facebook to learn about seasonal events, extended hours and other haunted happenings.

430 Keysburg Road
Adams, TN 37010
Bell Witch Fall Festival
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This beloved fall event includes five weeks of fun! Red River Tales kicks off the festival late in September on a Sunday afternoon filled with the greatest storytellers and musicians from the area giving life to local hauntings, heroes and harmonies. The next four Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings are filled with food trucks, special events and the musical Smoke: A Ballad of the Night Riders and the production Spirit: The Authentic Story of the Bell Witch. Follow them on Facebook and make your plans to experience this unique event!

7617 US-41
Adams, TN 37010
Bone Family Farm
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A working, family-owned farm committed to sustainable practices and organic methods. Committed to providing the best in horse boarding and grass-fed beef, as well as family-friendly farm experiences, including Goat Yoga, Yoga on the Farm and Equine Time. Contact for more details.

3600 South Hyde Road
Springfield, TN 37172
Boo Bash Dash 5K
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This annual 5K and 1 mile fun run is a fundraiser for CASA of Robertson County and includes a costume contest and a beautiful, paved course where you will enjoy fall foliage and scenic Sulphur Creek. You can learn more through CASA's Facebook page.

Springfield, TN 37172
Breakaway Ranch
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A unique experience including overnight stays to get away from the stress, horse boarding and training, as well as riding and lessons. This full service equestrian center is born out of one common theme: a love for horses and people. Follow them on Facebook to stay updated on ranch news.

3200 Lipscomb Road
Springfield, TN 37172